Tutors and Assistants Wanted

I'm hiring again.... too many classes and too much work load. Need urgent help. So anyone interested part-time of full-time please send your resume to my e-mail or SMS me if you've my number. Pls include your picture.

Here are the requirements:-

- Must be age 20 and above
- Must have achieved higher than average results
- Preferrably you are born in the year of Dragon, Ox and Snake.
- Preferrably my ex-students
- Part-time or Full-time
- We are looking for professionals, which means arrive on time and be responsible with zero cancellation of tuition classes.

- No age boundary
- Preferrably you are born in the year of Dragon, Ox and Snake.
- Preferrably my ex-students
- Part-time or Full-time
- An assistant needs to help me out from small to big issues. Task such as typing, printing, buying stuffs, photocopying, send e-mails and sometimes upkeeping of some places.
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