In their heart, they just want to do well in exams if they can. What school teachers and tutors are doing is to help them reach their highest potential. Show them how to achieve it and they will learn and use the same habits over and over again. I believe its the combination of efforts of the student + parents + school teachers + tuition teachers.
Yee Yong Sheng 95% Chemistry, SMK Kepong Baru
Lim Siz Kai 95% Physics SMK St Mary Selayang
Tee Hoe Woon 95% Physics SMK Kepong Baru
Lim Yik Han 90% Chemistry SMK Kepong Baru
an impressive Full Marks 20/20
4 Steps To Be An Outstanding Student ( A T A S )
#1. Absorb:You must first absorb and understand what is in the syllabus. What are they trying to teach you and you need to understand the basic theories, like how it works, how to calculate, what is the key ideas in the chapter, physics principles, chemical properties, chemical formulas and all.
A+ Tutor : We will simplify the concepts and arrange it to be easily absorbed.
#2. Test: Then you must look at examinations questions. Test papers, Past Year Papers, Final Exam Papers, State Papers. Go through some of it if not all of it, so that you can understand what is required for you to know, what are the things they gonna ask you, how they structured the questions. Like physics they like to ask relate, compare, suggest and modify. Like Chemistry they like to ask equations, explain and state.
A+ Tutor : We will compile and prepare all the popular questions in our notes.
#3. Answer: The 3rd step is the most important step, you need to learn how to answer it accurately. Only precise and accurate answers will be awarded marks. You cannot just simply write an answer an expect the examiner to give you marks, you must learn how to write in a way to show you understand. Learn to use keywords, key phrases, where to write the units, how to structure and arrange your answers to give you full marks.
A+ Tutor: Discussion on how to answers and how examiners mark their answers is a must.
#4 Stay: For any human, we have the tendency to forget. This step is to develop skills and techniques to ensure useful information can be stored in your mind for a longer period of time or permanently. Learn to use codes, mnemonics and repetition helps a lot. If you can't remember, keep repeating, keep reading over and over again, say it out loud or just keep drawing over and over again
A+ Tutor: We teach them codes and techniques on how to remember .
Lim Siz Kai Chemistry 97% SMK St Mary Kuala Lumpur
Lim Siz Kai Physics 97% SMK St Mary Kuala Lumpur
Ngo Jun Yan Chemistry 93% SMK Kepong Baru
Lam Yin Ker Chemistry 90% SMK Kepong Baru
Ngo Jun Yan Chemistry 93% SMK Kepong Baru
Lam Yin Ker Chemistry 90% SMK Kepong Baru
Reward always Works
For us we pay them CASH, rm10 for each A+
Habits you learn in high school will be very useful throughout your adult life,
I have seen many successful individuals using 'A T A S' in their career and it works great.
Wishing you best of luck
Every student can be an A+ one. It takes a lot of work and dedication but surely can be done.