Paper 1:
Objective 50 Questions
Paper 2:
Section A, Structured Questions
Q1. 5 base quantities & other derived quantities
Q2. Ammeter/ Micrometer Screw Gauge
Q3. Graph + Pendulum/Spring Experiment
Q4. Velocity time graph, distance, and area under the graph.
Q5. Ticker Tape Chart.
Q6. Momentum & Inertia
Q7. Kinematics Calculation using all the formulas
Q8. Impulsive Force.
Section B/C
Q1. Inertia & Car safety
Q2. Modification i.e sports car, drop package, space shuttle design
Q3. Compare accuracy and consistency + thermometer sensitivity
Q4. Given a table and choose the most suitable.
Paper 3
Q1. Ticker tape /Stopwatch reading, draw a graph
Q2. Given a graph, calculate the gradient and find values
Q3. Rewrite experiment: Inertia balance, Velocity & height, ticker timer.
FORM 4 Chemistry
Paper 1:Objective 50 Questions: Focus on Calculations
Paper 2:
Section A: Structured Questions
Q1. Atomic Structure, protons, neutrons, electrons
Q2. Periodic Table, Group 1, Group 17
Q3. 6 elements arranged in a table, electron configuration
Q4. Empirical Formula, Precautionary steps
Q5. Chemical Calculations with Chemical Equations
Q6. Transition Elements, Period and Isotopes
Section B/C: Essay Questions
Q1. Empirical Formula and Experiment
Q2. Chemical Calculations and definitions from chapter 3
Q4. Periodic Table, Group 1, atomic size, reactivity, electronegativity
Q4. Atomic structure, isotopes
Paper 3
Q1. Take reading and draw graph, m/p and b/p
Q2. Reactivity of Group 1 or Group 17, observation, chemical equations
Q3. Group 1 + Cold Water/ Napthalene/ Solubility of chemical substances
next post will be for form 5 state paper .... =)
To score an A1, you still need to work harder and smarter, the tips can only be a used to re-align your focus on the topics that you might have missed out.
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